About Studio Maya
We started Studio Maya to create a market for the handmade arts and artists of the modern Maya world.
The time and expertise required of artists to create these products results in one-of-a-kind or limited edition items that reflect the hand and personality of the artist. Your purchase demonstrates your appreciation for their craftsmanship and enables artists to continue to practice their craft.
By marketing handcrafted artisan products we create work for women and help provide financial support for the artists, their families and their communities.
Reaching across borders to help women in developing countries allows us to participate in fighting poverty on a global level.
Many of our products are sourced from organized cooperatives funded by foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs). There are individuals and associations working to help a dwindling number of weavers and artists to find support and the means to achieve success. These groups set the pricing for the artists based on the cost of materials, hours worked, cost of labor and the value of comparable products in the global market.
We also purchase products from artists selling independently at local markets. They often endure long journeys to reach their market destination. They may be forced to decide between selling cheap today to have money to purchase food or go hungry and return to the market another day hoping to sell at a fairer price.
We honor fair trade principles of fair pricing, good working conditions, no forced labor and respect for the worker. Most artists cannot afford the high cost of Fair Trade certification which more commonly applies to food commodities such as coffee.
Many for-profit companies give back by supporting the community initiatives of the artists who make their products. We seek to partner with companies that have established social responsibility programs.
We are a 501c3 registered Nonprofit Corporation and a California registered charity. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to this worthy cause. Read more here.
To donate click here.
We thank you for your interest and your support. Together we can make a difference.
Contact Us here.
Frequently Asked Questions here.